World History

Mr. Koenig

Unit Projects

Unit 1 Project HANDOUT-  Pick a person from the list provided

at the bottom of this page.  Create a handout that gives an

overview of this person’s life. 

Directions:  Look in your Glencoe World History Textbook and find a person that you really admire, are interested in, or want to learn more about.  In essence you are picking your favorite figure from World History.  At the end of the quarter you will be writing a research paper creating a biography of that person’s life… so choose wisely.  Your person must verbally be communicated to Mr. Koenig and he must give you a yes or no answer. 

The Handout should include:  Use the Checklist below…Checking off an item when it is completed.

  • _____ Person’s Name                                                                                                       
  • _____ Birthplace                                                                                         
  • _____ Childhood                                                                                       
  • _____ Adult Years                                                                                      
  • _____ Family           
  • _____ Death
  • _____ Burial Place
  • _____ Important Accomplishments
  • _____ Reasons why this person is important to World History
  • _____ Interesting little known Facts
  • _____ Quotes from the Individual
  • _____ Picture(s) of the Individual
  • _____ 2 non website sources
  • _____ 3 Internet sources
    *The Handout should be no more than 1 page… and include your name somewhere on it.


Unit 2 Project PAPER-  Now write a 3 page paper giving

more detailed overview of this person’s life.

Directions:  You have already picked a person that you really admire, are interested in, or want to learn more about.  You will be writing a research paper creating a biography of that person’s life.  This will be a continuous project that we will use throughout the year…it started as a handout, will now turn into a paper, and then develop into a full blown presentation.
We will be using the computer lab for the period in order to help you research your individual and type out your paper.  Please use this time wisely because it is the only class time you will be receiving for research time.  The paper is due on Wednesday March 18.
-Criteria #1- Your paper gave an accurate biography of this person’s life and it’s relation to World History.
-Criteria #2- All data that was presented was correctly cited and the paper included a works cited using 5 resources, and was the appropriate length.  5 pages (including your title page and works cited)         
-Criteria #3-  Ideas/ Content
-Criteria #4-  Organization
-Criteria #5-  Voice
-Criteria #6-  Word Choice
-Criteria #7-  Sentence Fluency
-Criteria #8-  Conventions
***Criteria #’s 3-8 are the Six Traits of Writing that we use at Fremont High School for writing and grading papers.  I will be giving you a handout on the Six Traits of Writing so that you have a

checklist when you proof read your paper.

Breakdown of Paper Expectations
Page 1                  Page 2                  Page 3
Title Page                Introduction               Body of Paper

                               Body of Paper

Page 4                  Page 5
Body of Paper          Works Cited/

Conclusion              Bibliography









Unit 3 Project PRESENTATION-  Now put together a

presentation that you will give to the rest of class about this

person’s life.  Kind of like a Eulogy explaining why this person

lived a life that was important.  This is due on the day that we

talk about your person in the book. 

-You may have already researched your specific individual and are ready to put together a presentation so that the rest of the class can learn more about this famous person.  You will be gathering and organizing the information that you have already learned and will be putting it into a presentation that will be given to the rest of class. 

During this semester we will spend the Block in the Computer Lab putting together the handout for your presentation.  The requirements for the handout are listed below in Criteria #2.  This is the only class time that you will receive to complete the handout, so get crackin’.  YOUR Presentation will be given on the day that we discuss you person in the textbook.  

-Below you will find the information explaining how you are graded for your presentation.  Remember this is worth a lot of points, so make sure that you are prepared so that you may receive the best grade possible.
·        Criteria #1- Your presentation has a structure to it, transitions are used, and it is the appropriate length of time.
·        Criteria #2- The presenter had evidence of research (put on your handout), a quality visual aid (posterboard, etc.) and a handout for the rest of the class that included some notes about your person, pictures, and review questions.  
·        Criteria #3- The information that was presented was factual, or based on fact, and was relevant to the subject of World History.
·        Criteria #4- You used 4 or more sources in helping you to gain information for presenting a biography of your assigned individual. (You may include your Textbook as a Source) These must be put on your handout!
·        Criteria #5- Your presentation gave an accurate biography of this person’s life and it’s relation to World History.

 See Mr. Koenig anytime you have questions about any of the

Unit Projects.

People in World History (you may choose from)

Chapter 1   1st humans

Louis Leakey

Mary Leakey

Donald Johansen

Heinrich Schliemann

Otzi, the Iceman

Chapter 2   Asia & Egypt



King Menes





Ramses II


King David




Cyrus the Great





Chapter 3   India & China

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

Chandragupta Maurya





Kongfuzi Confucius


Qin Shihuangdi

Liu Bang

Han Wudi

Chapter 4   Ancient Greece




















Philip II

Alexander the Great

Appolonius of Rhoades

Aristarchus of Samos






Chapter 5   Rome & Christianity





Tiberius Gracchus

Gaius Gracchus





Julius Caesar


Marc Antony

Cleopatra VII









Antonius Pius

Marcus Aurelius





Simon Peter

Apostle Paul


Theodosius the Great


Septimius Severus


Romulus Augustulus

Chapter 6   Islam



Abu Bakr


General Mu’awiyah


Harun al-Rashid





Omar Khayyam

Chapter 7   Early Africa

King Ezana


Sundiata Keita

Mansa Musa

Sunni Ali

Muhammad Ture

Ibn Battuta

Chapter 8   Asian World

Sui Yangdi

Tang Xuanzang

Marco Polo

Wu Zhao

Genghis Khan

Kublai Khan

Zhu Yuanzhang

Li Bo

Duo Fu

Shotoku Taishi

Minamoto Yoritomo

Murasaki Shikibu

Yi Song-gye

Mahmud of Ghazni

Timur Lenk (Tamerlane)



Chapter 9   Early Europe


Gregory I

Saint Benedict

Charles Martel



Eleanor of Aquitaine

William of Normandy

King Harold of England

Henry II of England

Thomas a Becket

Edward I of England

Hugh Capet

Philip II Augustus of France

Louis IX of France

Philip the IV the Fair of France

Otto I of Germany

Fredrick I of Germany

Fredrick II of Germany

Oleg of Kiev

Alexander Nevsky


Pope Leo IX

Michael Cerularius

Pope Urban II

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux


Fredrick Barbarossa of Germany

Richard I of England

Pope Innocent III

Nicholas of Cologne

Chapter 10   Middle Ages Europe

Pope Gregory VII

Henry IV

Hildegard of Bingen

Saint Francis of Assisi

Dominic de Guzman

Saint Nicholas

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Pope Boniface VIII

King Philip IV of France

Pope Gregory XI

Pope Urban VI

John Hus

King Philip VI of France

King Henry V of England

Joan of Arc

King Louis XI of France

Henry VII Tudor of England

Queen Isabella of Castile

King Ferdinand of Aragon

Chapter 11   Americas

Hernan Cortez



Francisco Pizzaro


Chapter 12   Renaissance/ Reform.

Leonardo DaVinci

Francesco Sforza

Cosimo de Medici

Lorenzo de Medici

Charles VII of France

Charles I of Spain

Niccolo Machiavelli

Baldassare Castiglione

Johannes Gutenberg



Geoffrey Chaucer

Christine de Pizan



Filippo Brunelleschi



Jan Van Eyck

Albrecht Durer

Martin Luther

Desiderus Erasmus

Pope Julius II

Emperor Charles V of the H.R.E.

Pope Clement I

Ulrich Zwingili

John Calvin

King Henry VIII (His 6 Wives)

Edward VI of England

Bloody Mary of England

Ignatius of Loyola

Chapter 13   Exploration

Vasco de Gama

Christopher Columbus

John Cabot

Pedro Cabral

Amerigo Vespucci

Ferdinand Magellean

King Alfonso I of the Congo

Juan Ponce de Leon

Jacques Cartier

Samuel de Champlain

Henry Hudson

Chapter 14   Crisis/ Absolutism

Henry of Navarre

Philip II of Spain

William the Silent

Elizabeth Tudor

James I of England

Charles I of England

Oliver Cromwell

James II of England

William of Orange

Louis XIV of France

Cardinal Richelieu

Cardinal Mazarin

Fredrick William the Great Elector

King Fredrick I of Prussia

Ivan the Terrible of Russia

Michael Romanov

Peter the Great of Russia

El Greco

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Artemesia Gentileschi

William Shakespeare

Lope de Vega

Miguel de Cervantes

Thomas Hobbes

John Locke

Chapter 15   Muslim Empires

Mehmet II

Sultan Selim I

Suleyman the Magnificent


Shah Ismail

Shah Abbas

Shah Hussein




Shah Jahan


Lord Robert Clive

Chapter 16   East Asian World

Ming Hong Wu

Zheng He

Li Zicheng



Cao Xuegin

Oda Nobunaga

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Francis Xavier

Ihara Saikaku

Matsuo Basho

Chapter 17   Revolution/ Enlight.


Nicholas Copernicus

Johan Kepler

Galileo Galilei

Isaac Newton

Andreus Vesalius

William Harvey

Robert Boyle

Antoine Lavoisier

Margaret Cavendish

Maria Winkelman

Gottfried Kirch

Rene Descartes

Francis Bacon

John Locke



Denis Diderot

Adam Smith

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Mary Wollstonecraft

John Wesley

Balthasar Neumann

Johann Sebastian Bach

Fredrick Handel

Franz Joseph Haydn

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Fredrick the Great of Prussia

Maria Theresa of Austria

Joseph II of Austria

Catherine the Great of Russia

William Pitt

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Robert Walpole

George Washington

Lord Cornwallis

Chapter 18   Frencch Rev./ Napol.

Louis XVI of France

Olympe de Gouges

Marie Antoinette

Georges Danton

Jean-Paul Marat

Maximilen Robespierre

Napoleon Bonaparte

Anne-Louis-Germaine de Stael

Louis XVII of France

Duke of Wellington

Chapter 19   Industrialization

James Hargreaves

Edmund Cartwright

James Watt

Henry Cort

Robert Fulton

Karl Marx

Klemens von Metternich

Charles X of France


Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

Camillo di Cavour

Giuseppe Garibaldi

William I of Prussia

Otto von Bismarck

Queen Victoria

Czar Alexander II of Russia

Andrew Jackson

Abraham Lincoln

John Macdonald

Walter Scott

Mary Shelley

Edgar Allen Poe

William Wordsworth

Eugene Delacroix

Ludwig Beethoven

Louis Pasteur

Dmitry Mendeleyev

Michael Faraday

Charles Darwin

Gustave Flaubert

Charles Dickens

Gustave Courbet

Chapter 20   Mass Society

Thomas Edison

Joseph Swan

Alexander Graham Bell

Guglielmo Marconi

Wilbur Wright

Orville Wright

Gottlieb Daimler

Wilhelm Maybach

Karl Benz

Henry Ford

Karl Marx

Friedrich Engels

Amaile Sieveking

Florence Nightingale

Clara Barton

Emmeline Pankhurst

William II of Germany

Francis Joseph of Austria Hungary

Nicholas II of Russia

Andrew Carnegie

Queen Liliuokalani

Wilfred Laurier

Marie Curie

Albert Einstein

Sigmund Freud

Herbert Spencer

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Alfred Dreyfus

Theodor Herzl

Henrik Ibsen

Emile Zola

Claude Monet

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Berthe Morisot

Vincent Van Gogh

George Eastman

Pablo Picasso

Wassily Kandinsky

Frank Lloyd Wright

Louis H. Sullivan

Igor Stravinsky

Chapter 21   Imperialism

King Mongkut

Kin Chulalongkorn

Commodore George Dewey

Emilio Aguinaldo

Saya San

Muhammad Ali of Egypt

Muhammad Ahmad Mahdi

Ferdinand de Lesseps

General Charles Gordon

David Livingston

Henry Stanley

King Leopold II of Belgium

Cecil Rhodes

Queen Victoria of England

Mohandas Gandhi

Rabindranath Tagore

Miguel Hidalgo

Agustin de Iturbide

Jose de San Martin

Simon Bolivar

President James Monroe

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Benito Juarez

Porfirio Diaz

Francisco Madero

Emiliano Zapata

Chapter 22   Asia under Challenge

Hong Xiuquan

Guang Xu

Empress Dowager Ci Xi

John Hay

Sun Yat Sen

Henry Pu Yi

General Yuan Shigai

Mao Dun

Ba Jin

Matthew Perry

President Millard Fillmore

Mutsuhito of Japan

Ito Hirobumi

President Theodore Roosevelt

Chapter 23   War and Revolution

Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Gavrilo Princip

General Alfred von Schlieffen

T.E. Lawrence of Arabia

Admiral Holtzendorff of Germany

President Woodrow Wilson

Edith Cavell

Grigori Rasputin

Alexander Kerensky

V.I. Lenin

Leon Trotsky

Erich von Ludendorff

Friedrich Ebert

Rosa Luxemburg

Karl Liebknecht

David Lloyd George

Georges Clemenceau

Chapter 24   West between Wars

Gustav Streseman

Aristide Briand

John Maynard Keynes

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Benito Mussolini

Victor Emmanuel III

Joseph Stain

Francisco Franco

Adolf Hitler

Heinrich Himmler

Joseph Goebbels

Leni Riefenstahl

Hannah Hoch

Salvador Dali

James Joyce

Hermann Hesse

Werner Heisenberg

Chapter 25   Nationalism

Abdulhamid II

Kemal Ataturk

Reza Shah Pahlavi

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Ibn Saud

Omar Mukhtar

W.E.B. DuBois

Marcus Garvey

Jomo Kenyatta

Nnamdi Azikiwe

Motihal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Ho Chi Minh

Chiang Kai-shek

Mao Zedong

Hipolito Irigoyen

Getulio Vargas

Lazaro Cardenas

Diego Rivera

Chapter 26   World War II

Neville Chamberlain

Erwin Rommel

Violet Szabo

Douglas MacArthur

Winston Churchill

Harry S Truman

Anne Frank

Reinhard Heydrich

Oscar Schindler

Albert Speer

General Hideki Tojo

Chapter 27   Cold War

Dean Acheson

Nikita Khruschev

John F. Kennedy

Fulgencio Batista

Fidel Castro

Lyndon B. Johnson

Richard Nixon

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Josip Broz

Imre Nagy

Antonin Novotny

Alexander Dubcek

Gustav Husak

Charles de Gaulle

Konrad Adenauer

Joseph R. McCarthy

Martin Luther King Jr.

Lester Pearson

Simone de Beauvoir

Chapter 28   Western World

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

Mikhail Gorbachev

Leonid Brezhnev

Boris Yeltsin

Vladimir Putin

Lech Walesa

Aleksander Kwasniewski

Vaclav Havel

Michal Kovac

Nicolae Ceausescu

Slobodan Milosevic

Bill Clinton

Francois Mitterrand

Jacques Chirac

Willy Brandt

Helmut Kohl

Margaret Thatcher

John Major

George W. Bush

Pierre Trudeau

Brian Mulroney

Rene Levesque

Osama bin Laden

Pope John XXIII

Pope John Paul II

Jackson Pollock

Andy Warhol

Chuck Berry

Elvis Presley

The Beatles

Chapter 29   Latin America

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Oscar Niemeyer

Luis Echeverra

Jose Lopez Portillo

Vicente Fox

Ernesto Che Guevara

Jose Duarte

Violeta Barrios de Chamorro

Manuel Noriega

Juan Peron

Eva Peron

Raul Alfonsin

Carlos Saul Menem

Salvador Allende

Augusto Pinochet

Juan Velasco Alvarado

Alberto Fujimori

Andres Pastrana

Chapter 30   Africa/ Middle East

Kwame Nkrumah

Nelson Mandela

Julius Nyerere

Sekou Toure

Desmond Tutu

Odumegu Ojukwu

Chinua Achebe

Abdel Nassar

Anwar el-Sadat

Menachem Begin

Yasir Arafat

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Hashemi Rafsanjani

Saddam Hussein

Noor Taraki

Babrak Karmal

Naguib Mahfouz

Chapter 31   Asia & Pacific

Deng Xiaoping

Indira Gandhi

Mother Teresa

Rajiv Gandhi

Achmed Sukarno

Pol Pot

Ferdinand Marcos

Benigno Aquino

Mirohiro Hosokawa

Haruki Murakami

Kim Il Sung

Syngman Rhee

Lee Kuan Yew

Chapter 32  Challenges…Future

Rachel Carson

Neil Armstrong

Buzz Aldrin

Hazel Henderson

Elise Boulding